I'm a Charity

Fundraising Services

Our platform makes it easy for people to give to your charity, wherever they are.

Our Donation platform for charities
More charities use RHF Donate to raise funds online and process their donations. Join them and make it easy for people to give to you, wherever they are.
make it easy for people to give to you, wherever they are.
Create online donation pages that fit with your charity's branding in minutes
It’s free to sign up to RHF Donate and there are no monthly fees. We do charge a small amount for each donation but we keep it to a minimum.
Online campaign pages
With RHF Donate you can create GDPR-compliant online donation pages that fit with your charity's branding in minutes.

Then add them to your own website or link to them from your emails and social media posts to start collecting donations.


Donation processing
Get donations online or offline, including one-off donations via credit card/debit card/PayPal or regular donations via Direct Debit. RHF Donate is fully PCI (Payment Card Industry) compliant. So your donors can be confident that their donations are being processed securely.
Reports and information about your supporters
You earn the ability to run reports on your campaigns, donors and donations. With RHF Donate your donors are your donors, not ours. Where supporters have given their consent, you'll have access to their data.
Fundraising tools and services
A quick overview of the fundraising tools and services you get with RHF Donate.
Fundraising tools
  • Online fundraising pages that fit your charity's branding.
  • Multiple campaign and appeal pages.
  • Donate now buttons.
  • Donation forms for your website.
  • Direct Debits to encourage regular donors.
  • Offline donation processing.
  • Reporting and data management
Fundraising services
  • Direct Debit facilities management.
  • Marketing consent collection – you own your donors’ data.
  • Phone and online help desk.
  • Fundraising advice and resources.
  • Payment Card Industry (PCI) compliant processing.
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