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RHF Charity Account

When you open an RHF Charity Account, We connect you to the causes you care about easily and putting smiles on faces faster.

Advantages of opening an account
Your ability to give more to charity – at no extra cost

Manage your giving through the RHF account and give as much as you desire, when you like, how you like and to whom you like.

Your ability to donate to charity, straight from your wages

You can give to any United States registered charity or fund a cause, directly from your wages, donating through your payroll lets you give more and remember its tax free. All you have to do is set it up in your account to work.

Start your philanthropy journey with an account

When you have a charity account, you are able to begin your philanthropy journey, by setting a giving frequency and a benefit of keeping track and records of all givings.Remember When giving over a $10,000 or millions of dollars to your charity and cause we are with you on your philanthropy journey to success. Find out about RHF Charitable Trust

Donate directly from your account using our Registered charity Database

With our database of registered and verified charity, you are able to select a charity and a cause and donate immediately directly from your account.

Donate and set up your Payroll Giving

With the Ruby heart Charity Account you can easily set up and request giving through your wages and salary. We will contact your organization and set up payroll giving deductions either weekly, bi-weekly, monthly or annually.

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